Showing posts with label Aplikasi Android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aplikasi Android. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2011

Review Aplikasi Tagihan Listrik, Sangat Berguna.

Pada saat nganggur tidak ada aktifitas (ada sih tapi acara minum kopi hehehe), secara iseng saya coba cek android market dan mendapati aplikasi bernama Tagihan Listrik. Gak pakai lama karena penasaran tingkat tinggi coba saya download dan langsung install pada android.

Dengan tidak sabar Tagihan Listrik langsung dibuka, disitu kita diminta memasukkan ID pelanggan. ID pelanggan bisa kita dapatkan dari nota pembayaran listrik tiap bulan, atau dari kartu pelanggan PLN (bagi yang memiliki). Setelah saya masukkan ID pelanggan saya dan memilih menu reload (gambar 4 anak panah saling melingkar), tidak lebih dari 10 detik ternyata hasilnya sudah keluar. Hasil yang ditampilkan cukup simple dan mudah dibaca. Ditampilkan data pelanggan dengan tagihan dalam rupiah pada bulan terakhir lengkap beserta status pembayaran sudah lunas atau belum.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Installing Driver and PC Suite Software For Android Ideos.

After two months using the Android OS on my Ideos C8150, I feel it's very easy & usefull so I think no need a PC suite software. But sometime we need manage and connect an android to computer.
You will have a few problem to do this because a PC Suit software is exclude on your box. You must get copy of PC Suite and driver for your android before install it.
Fist step is seacrh a download link PC suite support for Huawei. Finally I get a download link PC suite named Hi Suite, (maybe short for word from Huawei Suite) from this blog or you can download directly by clicking

Friday, October 21, 2011

Android Battery Saving Tips

Android is considered one of the rather extravagant gadget power consumption because of the many running applications and required network access. There are a few tips to use your battery could be more efficient so that it can make your android is more optimal.

Run the application as needed.If too many running applications and it's not in used then you can stop unnecessary running application.To detect any running application that is and stop unnecessary application, you can use an Task Killer Advandced that can be downloaded at . With Advanced Task Killer you can stop the service or application that being running.