Showing posts with label Hardware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardware. Show all posts

Friday, October 28, 2011

Saatnya Program SMS Interaktif Reguler Bangkit

Paska mencuatnya isu content provider nakal dan berbuntut program milik semua content provider (CP) direset kembali, sehingga CP harus melakukan sejumlah bentuk promosi ulang sebagai upaya sosialisasi kepada pelanggan. Demikian juga dari sisi pelanggan harus mendaftar ulang apabila menginginkan terus mengikuti program yang diadakan CP. Sungguh upaya yang tak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan bagi CP untuk bisa menggaet ulang pelanggan karena pelanggan merasa perlu mendapatkan jaminan.

Monday, October 17, 2011

How Fax Works? (Function of Frame Protocol)

 The communication between two fax machines is as follows:

1.            The transmitter calls the receiving fax machine. The transmitter will generate the dialing signal and then continuously send out a CNG tone which is used to signal an auto receive fax machine that another fax is making the call. This CNG tone is also used with allot of line sharing devices today.
2.            The phone line on the receiving side will ring and the receiving fax will pick up the line and send out a CED tone. This tone only tells the transmitter that it has connected to a fax machine.
3.            The receiving fax then sends out a PREAMBLE signal. This signal is a series of flags that are sent out to condition the phone line and to synchronize the two modems. A PREAMBLE will be generated just before any binary information is sent over the phone line.